Welcome to Holiday Recipe Exchange

Our Holiday Recipe Exchange blog was created to share wonderful, scrumptious easy, healthy recipes with all of our friends online. We hope to bring good things we've found and we hope you will bring good things you've found to share. Please join in!

Friday, October 29, 2010

An Easy Recipe for a Healthy Soup

One of the fun things about fall harvest time and holiday shopping time is that you can always use fresh vegetables to create an easy, heart warming, healthy soup for lunch or dinner. Soups are good food! They don't have to come from a can to be quick to make. They don't have to be laden with tons of sodium and preservatives. They don't have to be FATTENING either! One easy recipe that we make here on the ranch is so good that my husband, Mikey, saves the left over broth and drinks it later on like a hot cup of cocoa! Here's the basic recipe.

An Easy Recipe for a Healthy Soup

1 package Top Ramen Noodles (chicken or pork)
1 celery stock chopped into bite size pieces
1/2 onion, medium to large, cut into bite size pieces
1/2 bell pepper, medium to large, cut into bite size pieces
1 carrot, peeled, sliced into bite size pieces
1 or 2 broccolli spears, cut into bite size pieces
3 or 4 ounces of chicken or pork roast (usually left over)cubed
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder(or a clove chopped fine)
1/4 teaspoon ginger root
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 Top Ramen seasoning packet(optional)

Note: You can substitute or add any other vegetables you like. This is almost like an oriental stir fry soup. It's great and I'm sure you'll love it.

Simply chop all your veges and meat, place in a pot with adequate water to cover the veges. Bring to a boil for about two minutes then add the Top Ramen noodles. you can put the seasonings in the pot before or after the noodles. Serve hot with crackers or if you like fresh french bread with a lot of butter.

P.S. If you need a pot to cook this in, visit our new online store where you can buy pots and pans, dishes and silverware, glassware, table clothes, and a host of other fine products from name brand vendors such as Cusinart, Rachel Ray, etc. Out store is on the Amazon.com platform so you will enjoy safe and secure shopping as well as the lowest prices anywhere on the net!

P.S.S. We'd love to here from you. What have you tried lately that you would like to share with the Holiday Recipe Exchange readers? Have you tried any new cookware or gadgets in the kitchen?

1 comment:

  1. Good morning! You're a sweetheart -- thank you for adding my link. I'll have to get in gear on my Christmas cookies now, won't I??? :)
